I work in administration at my office. Do you know what that means? It means my job is more than shuffling papers. I get lumped with all the menial tasks such as stocking toilet paper, soap bottles and unjamming printer trays. Why? Because we’re not allowed to take delicate geniuses away from their jobs. They think they’re so smart, so qualified and so superior with their university degrees and multiple years of experience. Well, I’ll tell you something. If that lot were as smart as they think they are, they would know that the only thing you can flush down a toilet is human refuse and toilet paper. Now, because of these so-called geniuses, I’m down to my elbow with a plunger trying to unclog the damn thing. Let’s not forget to mention that I chose to wear my best shirt and skirt today. Working in administration means I have to dress well all the time in case I need to greet someone, but the delicate geniuses can dress however they like. I’ve seen some of them wear tracksuits to work! As long as they don’t have a meeting with a client, their visual appearance has no limits.
Now I need to find Melbourne’s best blocked drain plumber because there’s no way in hell a regular plumber will get this fiasco sorted. I believe this toilet has hair, tissue paper, regular printing paper, chocolate wrappers and other questionable matter stuck down it. They’ve gone and treated this toilet like their own personal garbage disposal, then have the audacity to ask me what’s wrong with it and grill me as to when it’ll be fixed. I’d love to tell them what’s wrong. What’s wrong is them! They’re the common denominator in this equation.
What frustrates me even more is that I bet they wouldn’t do this to their home toilets. They’d hate to pay for plumbing services. Near Melbourne, that is not cheap! Gosh I sound like a grump, but I feel like my job involves sorting these people’s lives out on a daily basis. I’m sick of it. I’m smarter than this!