Well, my boyfriend has officially moved to another state. Literally minutes ago we gave each other our final hug for at least a month, and I didn’t want to let go. Every part of me was fighting the urge to beg him to stay, because that’s what I really want. And so I cried into his shoulder, held on a little tighter than normal and then let go, accepting that our lives would be very different for the next two years.
To be honest, when we were spending our last couple of hours together I didn’t have much to say. I couldn’t speak without being overcome with emotion, and so I just listened to him talk about his life and his excitement and getting monthly air conditioning services in Canberra. He repeated that so many times that I’m sure it was his way of trying to make me feel better. It didn’t work.
In any other scenario, I would be stoked at the prospect of always having a working AC. My parents don’t really care about the AC in our house, and wouldn’t give it a second thought if it broke. Because my body temperature seems to run slightly higher than the average persons, the AC is something I’ve always been concerned about. However, right now I couldn’t really care less about whether or not he has a working air conditioner. Just like I said in my last post: I don’t want an air conditioner, I want him.
I know this sounds silly, but part of me is worried that he’s going to forget me. He’ll be living his university lifestyle with study, parties and girls, and I won’t be around to remind him how much he loves me. I bet he starts forgetting little things about me, and God forbid, all of a sudden thinks I’m after heating services & repairs in Canberra instead of cooling.
I know that’s crazy talk, but on my personal blog, I feel like I’m entitled to getting a bit crazy.